
During the initial stage of the Subtramas investigation (2009-2011), a series of interviews were conducted with (mainly Europe-based) individuals, some of them representing various groups and projects, whose action-research work with documentary images challenges existing social conditions and seeks to open collaborative paths for collective transformation.


The interviews are grouped into three main conceptual categories:


[ 1 ]  Collaborative artistic practice/ Audiovisual Construction of New Imaginaries.

This category covers the experiences of artists and cultural producers who engage in collaborative approaches to the production of their own work, understanding cooperation as a process whereby ideas and methods are reciprocally challenged and shared, generating spaces of agency as different sensibilities interact within a given project.

[ 2 ]  Experiments on Reception.
This category is tangentially or indirectly connected with the other two, offering a counterpoint to the main body of research in the Subtramas project.
[ 3 ]  Critical Education- Formal and Non-Formal.

This category includes interviews with educators and cultural producers- working in both formal and non-formal education- whose approach to learning and teaching is based on radical and critical pedagogies.