
[ 1 ] Collaborative artistic practice/ Audiovisual Construction of New Imaginaries.


Location :Madrid

Madrid based group formed in 2003 by artists Loreto Alonso, Eduardo Galvagni and Diego del Pozo Barriuso. They experiment collective processes in cultural production. Since 2006 they have been working on the project Ganarse la vida: El Ente Transparente exploring the impact of contemporary work systems on subjectivity and affects. For this particular project, they have adapted new versions for the Austrian and Slovenian contexts. 

Clara Boj & Diego Díaz

Location :Valencia

Clara Boj and Diego Diaz have been working together since 2000. Their work critically engages new media technologies and the notion of public space within the hybrid city. Their main projects propose new devices (conceptual and technological) to reformulate the perception and experience of the urban environments. In this direction they like to bring their work directly to the street and provoke encounter between people, physical places and the digital space.

Janna Graham

Janna Graham is Projects Curator at the Serpentine Gallery in London, where she initiated the Centre for Possible Studies, a neigborhood-based research space.

Graham has also been involved in a number of radical pedagogy projects combining radical education, participatory research and the arts. Graham is a member of the sound art collective Ultra-red and worked with the Micropolitics Research Group in London, among others. 



Petra Bauer

Location :Estocolmo

Artist and filmmaker, she explores the political, cultural and social traditions, often focusing on the role played by gender, ethnicity and class in the present society. Bauer qüestions power structures in ordinary everyday situations. As filmmaker, she explores the mèdium of film as a place for tackling political and social issues. With Dan Kidner she edited the book Working Together: notes on British Film Collestives in the 1970s (Focal Point Gallery Publishers, Essex 2013). 



Sally Gutiérrez

Sally Gutierrez is a visual artist based in Madrid (Spain). Her work is informed by different disciplines such as film, gender studies, urbanism, anthropolgy, poetry and literatura. She has developed her career both in Berlin (Germany) and New York (USA) where she lived for 11 years. Her works have been widely exhibited: Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid (Spain), Jeu de Paume, Paris (France), the Whitney Museum, Smack Melon and White Box Gallery, New York (USA). In 2008 she co-directed the film "Tapologo" focused on a squatter settlement in South Africa where a group of HIV-infected former sex-workers, created a network called Tapologo, transforming degradation into solidarity and squalor into hope. 



Sandra Schäfer

Location :Berlin

Artist, researcher and film programmer based in Berlin. In her artistic work, Schäfer has dealt with themes of representation of gender, urbanity and (post)colonialism. She has made repeated visits to Kabul, Istanbul and Teheran since 2002, being involved in different collaborative projects with filmmakers, activists and theoreticians. Together with the Berlin based filmmaker Elfe Brandenburger and in cooperation with actresses, filmmakers and activists from Kabul she made the film Passing the Rainbow. It is a film about actresses and strategies to undermine the rigid gender norms in Afghan society. She is co-curator of the film festival “Kabul/Teheran 1979ff: Filmlandschaften, Städte unter Stress und Migration” (Kabul/Tehran 1979ff: Film Landscapes, Cities under Stress and Migration) and co-editor of a book with the same title, published in 2006 by b_books, Berlin. In 2007/08 she co-curated the film festival SPLICE IN that took place in Kassel, Berlin, Hamburg and Kabul. In 2009 her book stagings. Kabul, Film & Production of Representation got published in the series metroZones/media at b_books, Berlin.




Location :Barcelona

It is a collaborative projects platform centred on the contemporary metropolis. Founded in 2002 by Elvira Pujol and Joan Vila-Puig, Sitesize develops specific creation and mediation projects in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Their areas of interest are mainly centered in autonomous cultural production practices and the search for new territorial and landscape geographies.




Cine sin Autor

Location :Madrid

Collective Cine sin Autor, advocates of a social production model based on nonauthorship. It is currently running the so called Nonauthored Cinema Factory in Madrid.





Cristina Vega

Location :Madrid/Quito

Researcher. Main research topics: the analysis of the work transformation through an intersectional and transnational approach giving priority to the formation of migration societies. On the other hand, her focus of interest lies on the critical study of hegemonic forms of representation in relation to political practice and the construction of citizenship.

She has worked closely in Precarias a la Deriva feminist collective since 2002, and is the autor of the book "Cultures of Care in Transition" and coauthor of "Mediations and Translations. Visual grammars of male violence in the University." 

Daniel Miracle /

Location :Barcelona is a Barcelona based collective co-ordinated by Daniel Miracle who works in the field of experimental audiovisuals and television. From 1998 onwards has worked with streaming, temporary UHF and VHF channels, analogue channels, social participation, and alternative internet access.