Anagramatic ABC



The idea of transformation in our project is connected with social change; it evokes ideas of revolution, paradigm shifts, or small-scale changes in a given community. Social change requires a previous analysis of its own viability and the process that might trigger it, and its implementation requires reflection on the meaning of creativity, innovation, progress and evolution. Artistic practices that wittingly or unwittingly reproduce or support the status quo might be called affirmative art. By contrast, a rather minoritarian set of artistic projects develop critical stances towards the normative- often undemocratic- structures of cultural production. And a third- even more exceptional- category would include transformative art, which shares the objectives of critical approaches, but tries to go one step beyond, contributing to actual social change. Transformation always entails criticality, but not all critical approaches- however artistically or intellectually advanced- lead to transformation. The latter requires added dimensions of agency, performativity and empowerment, if it is to effectively lead to changes in the values and regulative norms structuring social life. In this regard, Edgar Morin’s idea of “complex thought” points towards a holistic perspective integrating thought and action.

Genealogies of practice


  • The Militant Image: A Ciné‐Geography.  AA.VV 2011 , Revista Third Text. Vol. 25

  • Art and Social Change. A Critical Reader.  Will Bradley, Charles Esche (Eds) 2007, Londres: Tate Publishing in association with Afterall

  • Desbordes creativos. Estilos y estrategias para la transformación social.  Tomás Rodríguez Villasante 2006, Madrid: Catarata

  • Introducción al pensamiento complejo.  Edgar Morin 2004, Barcelona: Ed. Gedisa

  • Atlas of Transformation  ,
    A global guidebook of transformation processes. 

  • Park Fiction. Hamburgo (Alemania) / Hamburg (Germany) 1995,
    In 1994 in the harbour area of St. Pauli, in Hamburg, demolitions were under way to clear space for real estate development and speculation. A group of artists and musicians lead by Christoph Schaefer y Cathy Skene joined a citizens' initiative to stop plans for construction on the last remaining open space and to have the city build a collectively designed park instead. The campaign and the planning process that followed brought together and enriched art, subculture, and politics in unique ways. The planned construction was stopped. After eight Years of radical democratic urban planning and negotiations, Park Fiction was realized. lt is a unique example of a combination of Conceptual Art and collective subjectivity, navigating between private and public space and various cultural fields.