Culturas de Archivo ("Archive Cultures") (España / Spain) An ongoing project on archives and access to knowledge and information, directed by Jorge Blasco. Culturas de Archivo examines fragments of contemporary culture and art involved in the processes of production of reality generated by the archive.
Micropolitics Research Group. Reino Unido-UK , The Micropolitics Research Group investigates the forces and procedures that entangle artistic production and the flexible subjectivities of its producers into the fabric of late capitalism. Based primarily in London, the group carries out and analysis of issues ranging from the production of subjectivity in creative work, diplomacy, institutional analysis, radical pedagogy and concrete situations of free labour, ‘carrot work’, and creative industry.
La cátedra experimental sobre producción de subjetividad (CXPDS). Rosario, Argentina , The Experimental University is a militant project combining self-training, collaborative research and theoretical innovations that students, researchers and professors engaged in social movements have been working on for some time in the city of Rosario, Argentina. It is an attempt to produce a constituent form of university activism or “militancy” working on the fields of thought and knowledge production, with a political impact on experiments of social self-organization.
Sitesize. Barcelona, A platform for collaborative cultural projects centred on different metropolitan areas (from Barcelona or Madrid in Spain to Valparaiso in Chile), founded in 2002 by Elvira Pujol y Joan Vila-Puig. It focuses manly on autonomous, collaborative cultural production and research into cityscapes and new urban geographies.