Ne Pas Plier (Francia / France) Founded in 1991, this association works in close collaboration with artists, graphic designers, sociologists, educators and social workers, developing text- and image-based aesthetic tools capable of intervening politically in the fields of education and social struggles.
Media, Knowledge and Education: Cultures and Ethics of Sharing. Wolfgang Sützl, Felix Stalder, Ronald Maier, Theo Hug (eds.) 2012, University of Innsbruck Press Volume containing papers presented at the international conference "Cultures and Ethics of Sharing" (Cultures and Ethics of Sharing), held at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, in November 2011.
Postcapital Archive 1989-2001. Technologies To The People (TTTP), España , A political art project in the form of a multimedia installation, open database, and interactive laboratory, founded on a digital archive storing over 250,000 documents (texts, audio files, videos, etc.) from the Internet, compiled by artist Daniel García Andújar over the years. The files may be freely accessed, modified and downloaded by users. The archive traces the far-reaching geopolitical changes and the fortunes of capitalist and communist worldviews in the last decade of the 20th Century, in the period between the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Fall of the Twin Towers in New York.
Mediabiografía. Virginia Villaplana, España , ‘Media-biography’ is a cross-disciplinary methodology, experimentally expanded with image- as well as text-based narratives, involving different networks and groups of people. Working within a nomadic workshop or laboratory, participants experiment with narrative forms based on personal digital media. This nomadic workshop approach is directly connected with the Oulipo method of potential literature, and with the dislocation of space and time in narrative as reflected in experimental cinema and literature.